
Laine is Grateful for:

  • Answered prayers and God's faithfulness, even when she doesn't trust Him as she should!
  • George Foreman's "Lean, Mean Grilling Machine"!
  • Learning patience and peace, even though the process can be quite frustrating
  • The process of growing with God--that the learning arena gets larger and more challenging as you go, but the beauty of that being that life never really becomes dull
  • Beauty existing alongside--and, indeed, coinciding with--sin and folly and pollution


Dave is Grateful for:

  • Family.
  • Running with Frank.
  • Crazy t-shirt party.
  • Singing “Happy Birthday” to Brian over the phone.

Amanda is Grateful for:

  • Easter!
  • Great friends to spend Easter with.
  • Not having to work on Easter for the first time in 3 years.

Laine has a Goal to:

  • Hike all 70 hikes in Beyond Mount Si before the end of 2007.

Laine is Grateful for:

  • Soy Dream Fruit-Sweetened Ice Cream.
  • Unique and beautiful beach rocks à la Discovery Park.
  • Friendly and knowledgeable coworkers.
  • God’s power.

Keith is Grateful for:

  • Lorna who is so patient with my mom.
  • My job.
  • Brother Lawrence’s wisdom.

Lorna is Grateful for:

  • Keith—the best husband ever.
  • Spring flowers that are blooming.
  • That God is faithful even when I’m not.
  • The Freemont Bridge is almost done!

Joe is Grateful for:

  • Vacation.
  • Sunshine.
  • Easter.
  • Family.

Anna has a Goal to:

  • Middle school counseling position by June 1, 2007.
  • Run 8K in May with friend Ali (train).
  • Cook dinner for Joe 3 times a week.

Anna is Grateful for:

  • Family’s and friends’ support, prayers, and encouragement with school counseling test!
  • Beautiful pink roses from Joe’s friend, Raymond.
  • 3 days at Pointe South Mountain Resort with Joe.
  • Jesus’s resurrection!
  • Marjorie’s (Joe’s mom) faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, Redeemer, and Friend!
  • Eating peanut butter after giving it up for Lent. Yay, for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!

Rachel has a Goal to:

  • Exercise 5 times a week.
  • Be diligent in prayer life, especially for others and family.

Rachel is Grateful for:

  • Dave.
  • My family.
  • My new apartment.
  • Friends.
  • God’s love through the resurrection of His Son.

Mark is Grateful for:

  • The hot shower. Nay, the long, hot shower.
  • The mountain, hiking, and trees.
  • Books.
  • Well written TV shows and movies.
  • BSF.


Laine is Grateful for:

  • time-fillers in the form of small service opportunities
  • kind, honest, and open interviewers
  • Titus 2:11-14
  • every single one of my roommates


Laine is Grateful for:

  • Drivers that do not run over road bikers
  • Possibilities
  • Amstel Lite (or is it Light?)
  • Accountability


Emily has a Goal to:

  • Have a strong, close group of Christian women in my life.
  • Re-energize a creative hobby.

Emily is Grateful for:

  • Great candidates!
  • Mars Hill West Seattle.
  • Crumbled cheese—any cheese.
  • Snuggling and taking a nap with Meggie on Sunday.
  • Great conversation with my Dad.

Amanda has a Goal to:

  • Call brothers once a month.
  • Run a marathon by next birthday.

Amanda is Grateful for:

  • Beautiful weather/gorgeous views.
  • Friendship with Naomi.
  • Wonderful family that cares about me.

Frank is Grateful for:

  • Happy clients.
  • Sunny day in Seattle.
  • Friends that I can help.
  • My parents.
  • Great worship music.
  • Quizno’s.

Sun-Bom is Grateful for:

  • Meeting with friends.
  • Family.
  • Health.

Andy is Grateful for:

  • Loving family.
  • Health.
  • Job.
  • Sunny days/beautiful mountain views.
  • A nice golf shot.
  • A nice steak.

Joe is Grateful for:

  • Friend who helped me skirt the system.
  • Free food supplied by Frank.
  • Repairing a bike tire that was flat.
  • New job.
  • Vacation in Phoenix.
  • Anna Hall Anderson.

Dave is Grateful for:

  • Ice cream.
  • Going to football games with my Dad.
  • Water skiing.
  • Running on the Kirkland waterfront on Wednesday.
  • Romans 8:28.

Katherine is Grateful for:

  • Nursing School.
  • Health.
  • Family.

Brian is Grateful for:

  • Emily and her amazing support during a tough time for me at work.
  • A great weekend at home with people I love.
  • Taking a break and realizing how much I have.

Meredith is Grateful for:

  • Week three of new job.
  • Good conversations with Dad.
  • Dining for Darfur.
  • Great night sleep last night.
  • Dinners with friends.

Laine is Grateful for:

  • Non-competitive tennis partners & opponents.
  • Anticipation of first bike ride in downtown traffic.
  • Sushi.
  • Joy that never goes away - joy deep within my heart.
  • Hiking.


Laine is Grateful for:

I am thankful for many things, but today I find I am most thankful for grace and hope and really experiencing what these two feel like. I am also thankful for honesty, which I hope to get better at.